Great opportunity to hear about some of the most pressing challenges LAs are facing and what some areas are doing about it. An opportunity for leaders of place to come together and talk about the hard stuff.

An interesting, relevant and punchy conference undertaken in a relaxed environment.

The MJ Future Forum is a 'go to' event for me in my year: it provides an excellent mix of highly topical, focused and insightful discussions, excellent speakers and superb opportunities for networking with other senior leaders from within the public sector family.

The 24-hour format of the MJ Future Forum keeps up the pace in looking at key issues across the sector and network with senior colleagues. A good value investment of time.

I found the MJ Future Forum providing a great blend of key speakers, insights and networking opportunities. The smaller nature of the event in terms of the total audience and the 24 hour approach to the whole event made this well worth attending.

An outstanding 24 hours of knowledge sharing, off-record insight with a strong dash of realism that maps out what lies ahead. Definitely worth the time and effort. Thank you for inviting me.

Excellent event - always surprised, always learn something new.