Dr Catherine Howe

Chief Executive, Adur & Worthing Councils

Dr Catherine Howe is Chief Executive of Adur and Worthing Councils, a role she took up from her substantive role of Director for Communities which she described as ‘helping communities direct themselves’.

She is an expert in digital innovation, focusing on the area of digital democracy and social change. She has a background which connects together technology, community and social change and has worked across a number of different sectors. Catherine was CEO of a successful SME, Public-i Group Ltd, before moving to Capita to redevelop Capita’s digital transformation approach and then to Cancer Research UK to lead work on technology strategy and transformation.

She has worked with new collaborative technologies and social networking tools for over 15 years. Her research interests cover digital civic space, citizenship and systems thinking and she is both a Trustee of the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny and a Governor of the Democratic Society.