Adele Wylie
Chief Executive, Northamptonshire CouncilAdele began her role as Chief Executive of North Northamptonshire Council in January 2024, but has been with the new authority since its beginnings in April 2021, as the Council’s Executive Director of Customer and Governance, the Monitoring Officer and also the interim Deputy Chief Executive.
Adele brings a wealth of public sector leadership experience and has a strong record of driving excellence in public service delivery. Her experience includes responsibilities in HR, Customer Services, Legal and Democratic, as well as the Councils Monitoring Officer and most senior lawyer. She has worked closely with elected members and the Corporate Leadership Team in setting up the new unitary authority and has been instrumental in supporting the delivery of the Corporate Plan.
Prior to this role, Adele held senior positions, as Director of Governance and Regulatory Services at Melton Borough Council with responsibilities including environmental health, licensing and enforcement and Head of Service at Rutland County Council, where she led both in-house services and delivered financial and operational efficiencies in outsourced services.
As a successful strategic leader, Adele is passionate about our ambition to become an Employer of Choice and “growing our own talent” is essential to this. North Northamptonshire Council and its partners have big ambitions for North Northamptonshire, and Adele is proud to be leading North Northamptonshire Council to deliver this.